Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue...INDIGO! Our next Farm Partner!

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue...INDIGO!  Our next Farm Partner!
At the last stop on a dead end road near Anniston, Alabama, one family found their very own treasure!  It may not be a pot of gold, but the wealth of a farming life is like no other, and they are richly blessed!  Cale and Kelly, from Indigo Ridge Farms, and their four boys, are living the farming dream!

On a sprawling 200 acres, you will find Jersey cows napping in the shade of a tree, piglets feasting on their own pastures, sheep living among the cattle, as well as chickens in various places.  Take a long, but sweet, ride through the grasses of their rotational fields, and you catch a glimpse of just how your food should be raised.  There is much freedom in this valley: for the farmer, his family, and the animals within their care.  And you and I get to have a taste!  

With Indigo Ridge Farms as our newest Farm Partner at Alabama Farm Co-op, you will be able to get quality food from a variety of preferences. You can choose from grass-finished or grain-finished beef, eggs from either chickens or quail, and more!  

Here is why Indigo Ridge Farms exists:

"Our mission at Indigo Ridge Farms is to create a lasting connection between the farmer and the community 
through building relationship with our land, our livestock and our customer.  Our goal is to see families thrive, 
stewardship prioritized and generations entrusted." --Cale & Kelly

If you are looking for sustainable, regenerative farming practices from which to get your family's nourishment, Indigo Ridge Farms will be your treasure, too!  

We look forward to serving you!


We're seeing GREEN! Produce, that is! Here is Our Next Farm Partner!

We're seeing GREEN!  Produce, that is!  Here is Our Next Farm Partner!
In all of the years running a farm co-op, one of the customers' most requested items was PRODUCE.  Because of that, we are so excited to announce that The Mathis Mini Farm is our next Farm Partner...and they grow plenty!

Don't let the name "mini" farm fool you....this farm has many products available now, and they have big goals for growing even more!  The more we support them by shopping their produce, the more they can produce for us!  Win-win!

This farm is owned by a family from Homewood, and it is located in Chilton County.  Their no-till, deep compost bedding, organic methods of farming will bring you a quality product to feed your family!

Farmer Brad says this:  "We want to nourish the soil we are working, instead of simply taking from the land.  We love growing nutrient dense, pesticide free food to nourish our family and community."

So, if you are looking for lettuce, kale, or greens for now.....or the wide, colorful variety of veggies in the can now get them from The Mathis Mini Farm with delivery to an area near you through Alabama Farm Co-op!  

Not a member, yet?  Join for HALF-PRICE (that's just 15 bucks!) now and you will be invited to participate in our "soft opening" orders in November and December!  PLUS, your membership will last you through all of 2024!  

We look forward to serving you!


"S" is for SALT! Our next Vendor Partner!

The temperatures are getting cooler, these days, and that always makes me want to bake something!  Or, at least, eat something made in the oven!  Even better if it is spread with butter!

We are excited to tell you that you, too, can enjoy some of these oven comforts, when you purchase some of the sourdough loaves produced by SALT Artisan Bakery!  

SALT Artisan Bakery is our newest Vendor here at Alabama Farm Co-op, and I'm excited to show you the products that will be available to you!  Here is what the owner, Amy, has to say about her purpose:

"If you know me personally, then you know that I have had a wacky gut since I was 15 years old with gallstones. Last year, I started eating completely free of gluten, dairy, refined sugar, soy, yeast, vinegar, and red meat. You can imagine the frustration and disappointment, but I did feel much better.  But…with a love of baking and longing to eat bread again, my research began. Enter SOURDOUGH! The miracle bread!   If you have celiac, this is still not for you--I’m so sorry! But if you have sensitivities to gluten, please start researching sourdough. This long fermented bread has brought back so much happiness without gut problems!!! I eat some form of it everyday: bagels, flatbread, ciabatta, artisan loaf, crackers, sandwich bread… all that I make from home with sourdough. And I would love to help you enjoy bread again too!"

We are so excited to have SALT Artisan Bakery products available for you!  Her products are made without commercial yeast, sugar, or dairy (unless noted).  Check out the product list, which we will have posted soon on our website!  

Get ready to trade your dough for sourdough!  Just be sure to order enough to last you the whole week!  We will not want to run out of this delicious bread!


P.S.  Customer Memberships are still HALF PRICE through December 31st!  Join now so you can be included in any orders we are able to take for our "soft opening" in November and/or December!  *Only paid members will be invited to order at that time!

Introducing.....Alabama Farm Co-op's first Farm Partner!

Alabama Farm Co-op is excited to tell you about our very first Farm Partner!  

The drive out to this young farmer's property was incredibly stunning!  Besides the fall colors and the combination of the mountains and lakes, it was that final turn onto the dirt road which led to a growing farm, run by a young farmer and his family, that took our breath away!  The Morrisons have a vision for what they are building, and we see it, too!

Earnest Roots Farm is situated in Ashville, Alabama, surrounded by acres and acres of family farmland.  On their property, you'll find meat birds in the large (and we do mean LARGE) chicken tractor, pigs doing what pigs do in the woods, and laying hens wandering, well, all around!  We were given a tour of the building where most of the work is done now, took a walk through the new facility that is being built, and also got a good look at the land where all of these animals are raised.  You will want to see this for yourself, one day!  

At Alabama Farm Co-op, we are so excited to not just see this farm grow, but to be part of the process of helping it happen! And now YOU can be part of it, too!

We aren't yet ready to begin taking co-op orders for delivery or pickup (it's coming SOON!), but you can check out their farm information and products at their website at  We know you are going to be happy with the quality of food that they produce!


P.S.  If you haven't already purchased your Membership to Alabama Farm Co-op, NOW IS THE TIME!  We are on track to taking some "trial" orders (with real delivery) before our official start date, and we will open those orders up ONLY to those who have already paid for a membership.  Get your half-price Membership today! 

Welcome to Alabama Farm Co-op!

Welcome to Alabama Farm Co-op!
You've probably already poked around the website already, so I won't repeat everything that is already posted there!  I just want to welcome you!  

I could not be more thrilled to see this new co-op taking shape.  The unbelievable interest, from both customers and producers, has been even more astonishing than I could have predicted!  We've got farmers getting excited about the growth that is to come for them, and customers excited to be able to transfer more of their shopping from big box stores to local farms!  This is a beautiful partnership that helps shorten the gap between farmer and consumer.  

Thanks again for checking us out, for subscribing, and to those potential customers who have jumped in with a paid membership even before we've published a list of participating farms!  I cannot tell you how much that will help as I am contacting more farms and producers!  So, thank you all!

We are updating the website daily, and will continue to do so as we are sorting out the logistics with those who will participate, so stay tuned!  (If you aren't subscribed, now's the time to do so!  We don't want you to miss anything!)  

Thanks, too, for helping this farm co-op creator create again!  I look forward to serving you soon!


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