Dearest Customers~
for your patience waiting for updates from Melissa and team, and for all who have stayed active in this community. We do have an immediate update for you, and as much illumination for the near-future as we ourselves have at this time.
ALFC is going on hiatus starting today. We know it will be a minimum of two months, September and October. There are two reasons for this hiatus:
- Melissa's personal life circumstances have demanded that she immediately step away from running the co-op. See her note below for more info.
- ALFC team must figure out a way to resolve the currently-unsustainable system. Emerieta & Howl will be thoroughly exploring the best options during this time, and that is not likely to be completed, rebuilt, and operational within one month's time.
This will be a working hiatus on our end, but it will not be paid. Our capacity is limited and yet to be determined under these circumstances. We have enough passion and belief to fuel the exploration needed during this time, but we can't guarantee any outcome, and certainly can't see two months out yet.
Topics needing exploration and completion before resuming operations
- systemic changes to model
- new location for centralized operations
- marketing campaign to public
- financial boost to enable needed changes
If you are interested and invested in the sustainable rebuild of this food community, please reply! We will connect over the needs of this exploration and who can serve in which capacity. Member feedback will be highly valued. Community is more than welcome in the community building process!
Regardless, we will keep everyone posted as the path forward takes shape.
Much gratitude for hanging in there in such an experimental year of reclaiming independent network connections to local food. We are learning, refining, and looking forward with high hopes!
~Emerieta, Howl, and Melissa
P.S. *From Melissa* I cannot express my gratitude to you all for your interest, excitement, and for joining this effort to support local farms! It has been a joy to see this effort begin and grow, and I'm excited about what is to come! Due to some immediate personal family needs, I will be stepping away to put my focus there for a time, though I will still be around in some capacity. I will be, first, handing the reins to Howl and Emerieta, and then assisting them where I am still able to (behind the scenes). I want you all to know that I am leaving all of this in VERY capable hands! They have a TEAM surrounding them, and my EVERY confidence and support! --M