Help us bring Working Cows Dairy to your area!
Fill out this survey, and feel free to share with others, so we get their responses, too!

Working Cows Dairy Products and Drop Point Survey

Largest CITY near you*
If you selected 'Other' above, please type the name of the nearest larger city to you.
How many MILES are you willing to drive to a drop point for Working Cows Dairy products?*
About how many Raw Pet Milks would you want every 2 weeks?*
About how many Pasteurized Organic WHOLE Milk would you need every 2 weeks?*
About how many Pasteurized Organic SKIM Milk would you want every 2 weeks?*
About how many Heavy Whipping Creams would you want every 2 weeks?*
About how many butters (salted or unsalted) would you want every 2 weeks?*
About how much CHEESE (any flavor) would you want every 2 weeks?*
If you would like to volunteer or work for Alabama Farm Co-op in order to bring Working Cows Dairy products to your area, please put your contact info in the box. Be sure your name is in the field at the top of this form. Thanks!


Copyright Alabama Farm Co-op