Quarterly Producer Membership
We know that not everyone wants to commit the whole year up front.  And some of you do not have product available all year.  This QUARTERLY Producer Membership may be just what you need to either test the waters, or to jump in for as long as you think you can and should!  

The Quarterly Producer Memberships will run in scheduled quarters, as shown below.  This membership is non-refundable, and is $40 per quarter.  This payment must be received by the deadlines listed below to participate in the upcoming quarter.  

Those participating quarterly will not have their own farm/vendor page built on our website, but will be advertised on a special page called "Available This Quarter".  We will advertise these products with the other producers' products so that our customers know that they are available, and they will be listed on our order form and/or shopping cart (when this is built). 

Be sure to check out the full details for Producers HERE.

If you have any questions, email us at info@alabamafarmcoop.com.  We look forward to speaking to you!


QUARTERLY MEMBERSHIPS will be scheduled this way:

Quarter 1:  January 1st through March 31st   (Deadline to sign up for Quarter 1:  January 5th, 2024)
Quarter 2:  April 1st through June 30th    (Deadline to sign up for Quarter 2:  April 5th, 2024)
Quarter 3:  July 1st through September 30th    (Deadline to sign up for Quarter 3:  June 7th, 2024)
Quarter 4:  October 1st through December 31st    (Deadline to sign up for Quarter 4:  October 4th, 2024)


Copyright Alabama Farm Co-op