We want to hear from YOU!
Our first quarter of 2024 is almost over, and we are evaluating what changes need to be made to make our co-op even better for everyone!  We're talking days, times, locations, and frequency of our services.  

Please share with us your feedback on these things.  WE LOVE FEEDBACK.  It helps us be better, do better, and grow more!

Customer Poll - Spring 2024

In what city do you live?*
Which of our current drop point(s) are most convenient you? (Select your top TWO.)*
Is there a drop point location you'd like to recommend? List it here.
Would you prefer to pick up at a tightly scheduled drop point in your nearby area OR pick up at your convenience at a central location (which may not be in your area)?*
(From previous question) What is your other idea for us?
How far are you willing to travel to reach a drop point OR pickup location? (List miles or minutes away.)*
Which would you prefer? *
Would you like to get other products WITH your farm orders? If yes, what products would you like to see us offer?*
Do you have any additional feedback you'd like to share with us? Put that here! We're all ears!


Copyright Alabama Farm Co-op